What are the Benefits of Daniel Chapter 12 Bible Study

If you used to go to church when you were young, you have an idea about the book of Daniel, or perhaps you have been reading it. One of the areas that you might have read about in Sunday school is the presentation of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abed-Nego emerging victorious from a fiery furnace. You must also have read about Daniel praying for God’s deliverance in the lion’s den. You need to know that Daniel was more than a prophet, and that’s why it is inspiring to read the book of Daniel. What’s more, He was more than a character and had a great record when writing the book of Daniel. There are many reasons why reading the book of Daniel is important. Ensure that you have continued to read this guide to have a broad understanding of the things you will enjoy when you read this book.

You will be able to protect the prophecy when you read the book of Daniel. The book of Daniel chapter 12:4 talks about protecting the prophecy for those who will need it as the world comes to an end. When we read the book of Daniel, we get benefited since the prophecy of God protects our lives and needs. You need to know that the book of Daniel was prophesied 2,500 years ago, and now it’s your time to make sure that you have preserved it. You can preserve the book of Daniel by making sure that you have read Daniel’s prophecies and keep them in your heart. Reading the book of Daniel, especially chapter 12 will help you to have a good understanding of God’s word, prophecies, and how you should understand and obey them. You can encourage your children to read this book and ask your teacher/pastor to interpret it if you need to have a good grasp.

You will be able to prepare for your future when you read the book of Daniel. This is the other greatest benefit! Daniel 12: 23 talks about preparing for the future, which prepares us for the second coming of Jesus and the new kingdom of Jesus Christ. This gives you hope that you won’t miss heaven and that the prophecies of God will manifest in your life! It’s healthy to think about the end times, and we shouldn’t be worried because the end of days will be the beginning of a new life. At that stage, God will have a wonderful plan for us all and the establishment of Jesus’ kingdoms in our lives. There will be no more crying, sorrow, or death!

In conclusion, one of the greatest things that believers can achieve as Christians is reading the bible to understand the second coming of Jesus and the end-time events. Seventh-day Adventists have always had a great interest in the biblical bible of Daniel. You need to know that Daniel 12 deals with the prophecy of the end times which according to the bible talks about three things which include time, times, and half a time.

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